Paint Shop Pro :: Dropper Tool And Values For RGB And TIFF
Jun 15, 2012
Was explaining to a friend about shades of color -- human eye has Red, Green and Blue sensitive cones and each can detect about 100 shades giving a combined total of about 1 million shades that we can normally distinguish, well within the 16 million shades that a jpeg can show (256 x 256 x 256) or the 64,000,000,000 shades (4096 x 4096 x 4096) that a TIF can show.
I used the eyedropper on a JPEG to show how the values went from 0 to 255 for each of Red Green and Blue, but when I went to a TIF expecting the RGB components to go from 0 to 4096 it showed 0 to 65535. To me this is an inaccuracy in the eyedropper tool at least for Tifs
I was trying to emphasize that while we may think that by having a greater range of shades available in the TIF we can produce richer images with more variety of images it all boils down to the lowest common denominator - that our eyes are not capable of determining a range of shades more than 1 million.
Try this test -- set your foreground color to RGB 128,128,128 grey and using the paintbrush tool draw a line. Then double click on the foreground box in the materials palette and change say the red value to 129 and draw another line overlapping the first one. Repeat increasing the red value and see when the difference in shading becomes obvious to your eyes. For me I had to go from 128 to 135 before I could recognize a difference so that is 7 values which look the same to me. So I cannot see even the 16 million colors of a lowly jpg let alone the small differences in a Tif.
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Jun 7, 2013
About color lab color correction, in those days i'm watching a lot of tutorials about cause i'm trying to understand this new to me subject in a better way.
While neutralizing color, correcting a photo in Lab by Curvas adj Layer, the default eye dropper values are:
Black- 0, Gray- 128, White- 255 RGB (0-54-100 Lab)
To prevent the possibility of out of gamma some tutorials suggest to change the above mentioned default values:
Black from 0 to 26 RGB (0-6 Lab), White from 255 to 243 RGB (0-96 Lab)
What about the middle eye dropper Gray? A few tutorials mention to chage the gray value too from 128 to 133 RGB (54-56Lab) while the majority never mention gray value, they tell about black and white never mentioning the gray value; what is your experience about?
The above mentioned "out of gamma problem" is mainly related to output printing or to screen displaying too?
Generally speaking I would like to receive some comment by you gurus about this very subject, while working in Lab, what about your Curvas adj Layer eye dropper values, do you change them or you leave them as default?
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Oct 16, 2011
I purchased PaintShop Pro X4 yesterday. So far, I am impressed with the speed boost gained but I have a BIG PROBLEM: I need to work with TIFF files but this version creates a two-pages TIFF file whenever you save one (they appear as a two-page tiff with some sort of thumbnail attached).
I have been tinkering with setup options but I have been unable to find anything relevant to this issue.
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Nov 16, 2011
How do I convert an HDR file into a tiff file. I see no opportunity to save as a different type of file from one of the 6 default styles. Also how do you print one of the defaults, there seems to be no right clicks in the HDR adjustments panel.
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Oct 21, 2011
I can't see a way to search for this issue that seems faster then looking manually. X4 will open X3 jpg's, but not X3 TIF's. X4 will open the older PSP files, but X3 TIF's show up as black rectangles in X4 workspace and won't open. I've uninstalled X3 already, but do not consider re-installing it as a solution. Previous versions of PSP have been backward compatible for me. If I open a RAW file, edit it and save as a TIF, it will open.
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Jul 18, 2013
I wanted to upgrade from paintshop pro x2 to x5 (want to go to 64 bit)but I have a severe problem. Here the steps to reproduce it:
1. open only one big tif file at a time (edit window) (from canon scanner 600 dpi A4 scan around 100 mb per file i think around 5500 to 3200 pixels)
2. sometimes i turn/rotate the picture first with the rotate tool (0 to 0,2 degrees)
3. use the crop/trim function to cut a small part of the edge
4. save the image and close it ( there is never more than one file opened in psp) its now around 80 mb in size dont close psp x5 and repeat steps 1 to 4 with other images. (with smaller 30mb images it did not happen and if I close x5 and reopen it after every 5th tif-image it does not happen too, so somewhere memory is not given free) When doing this when saving somewhere at the 7th - latest at the 10th image that image is saved corrupted.(it shows in the lower half vertical grey lines)
The big problem is: there is no error message and you only see that the image is corrupted when you view it again or if you see it in the thumbnail view of windows explorer.
second problem is that after doing an undo after a crop/trim step (3.) the picture is gone and the area is white.(dont save now!!)
x5 version is the current trial version (15.2 something - when i try to install sp2 it says its not necessary)
this happens on 2 different machines
mach 1: intel nuc i3217u 8GB ram, c drive 128 gb ssd, pic-drive: usb hd with 500 GB
mach 2: i7 2600k, 16 gb ram, cdrive 128 gb ssd, pic drivé: internal 2tb hd or internal ssd 256 gb (makes no difference)on both machines psp x5 system info only shows 4GB ram free so it seems its not really 64 bit programm.
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Apr 21, 2013
My Corel ProX4 program will not open a pic with a .tif file extension. I received the pic from an iMac. I know the pic contains layers with names typed in to identify the individuals in the pic. How can I get Corel to open these pictures? I have Corel on a pc running windows 7 professional.
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Jun 17, 2009
How do you use the eye dropper tool?
I click the dropper on my image and nothing happens.
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Aug 4, 2013
I have two open files in illustrator and I want to use the eye dropper tool to select a color from one document and use it in the other. Is there a way to do this?
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Nov 21, 2013
I am currently using PS CC and can't use the eye dropper tool. I get a dialog box that reads "Could not use the eye dropper tool because of a program error"
I have tried the tool from many angles thru the color picker, shifting the brush tool, ect. I get the same message. The eyedropper works for me in Illustrator.
You don't realize how necessary the eyedropper tool is till it is not working! I have rebooted, tried 64bit and 32, uninstalled CC and and reinstalled with no luck.
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Jul 26, 2013
The Eye Dropper tool is acting funky. It was preventing me from picking up the color of my template when in outline mode - instead selecting no fill and no stroke. I finally got it to work by unchecking "Appearance" in the tool options. I didn't actually change any settings inside appearance (everything inside is still checked). That did allow me to select the templates color, but now it is also selecting my "path color". If my layer's color is set to Cyan for example, eye dropper actually selects cyan if i click on the path.
Is there a way to allow template color selection but avoid path color selection?
EDIT: I just discovered that these settings don't even pick up the template color correctly. They choose the color of the auto-dim/opacity that occurs when setting a template.
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Mar 28, 2013
Anytime I use the tool to copy a color, the entire format copies and changes the look of the object I already have selected. Is there a way to set my preferences so I only copy color with the Eye Dropper tool?
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Sep 10, 2013
I am trying to sample color of a photo on a lower layer in a gradient mesh layer above. It doesn't work in Illustrator CS6, but it works in CS4.Â
mac pro 3.2 xeon/6gig/1T/os10.8.4
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Jan 8, 2014
How do I find the eye droppers when working with the magic wand tool in elements 11?
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Jul 15, 2005
I got a question about Photoshop CS. You know how when you are painting with the brush tool and then you press ALT to sample a color right? Well, it normally changes the foreground color to the color you sample, but mine’s just suddenly started changing the background color instead O_o. I rest tools, turn off the machine, but weeks later I find myself constantly have to switch to the background color, using (x) whenever I sample. It’s a pain in the ass! How do you change it back to normal?
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Feb 26, 2014
The only color the eye dropper tool selects is black. (CS6)
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Aug 25, 2009
When you're editing a gradient within the shape (as opposed to in the Gradients palette), is there any way to use the eye dropper tool to sample an existing color? In-shape gradient editing (or whatever Adobe calls it) is useless without the eye dropper.
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Nov 30, 2011
Somehow I have managed to un-dock the toolbar in PSP X4 as can be seen to get it back so that it is not over-lapping the editing area
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Oct 25, 2013
I'm having an infuriating problem with the crop tool. I click on the side bar to crop an image, set the ratio, then left click and hold on the image to either move the selection or expand/contract it and PSP crops the image before I can do anything.
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Mar 8, 2013
I have the latest updates for PSPx5 running on Windows 8 64 bit. Every time I draw a line with the pen tool with "Create as Vector" unchecked, the program crashes.
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Jun 18, 2013
I am trying to get to grips with the pen tool and I have a problem I cant get past. I create on object using the pen tool and then use the pick tool as I want to do a specific rotation buy a certain number of degrees. But I need to move the rotation point. I click on Ctrl and then the rotation point and move it to another location. Now if I want to rotate by hand or 15 degree increment then no problem.
But if I wish to rotate by say 20 degrees then I can only use the Image Free rotate but for some reason it rotates object by the center of the object and just ignores its new rotation point. I just cant see why?
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Aug 20, 2012
The eye-dropper tool, has now a little bug with the Attributes option since the update.When I use the tool to apply all the attributes I've given to text it only reproduces the font type...nothing more...The line, character and word spacing remain unchanged.
Now, the Attributes Eye-Dropper tool becomes useless. Seems as though something went quite wrong in the programming office.
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Nov 8, 2012
I'd like to change the text colour to that of one I pick using the eye dropper tool.
This is what I do;
1. Select the text
2. Using the eye dropper tool i click on an object (lets say a square) filled object with a different colour. (no stroke) - Now I expect that the text will change to the squares colour but it does not.
The eye dropper will pick up and change its font/colour if i select other text but not other objects. I have opened the eye dropper preferences and EVERYTHING is ticked in both picks up and applies.
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Mar 18, 2012
Similar to how Minecraft allows you to select the block your cursor is over via middle mouse click,
wouldn't it be intuitive to make the eye dropper/color selector bound to the middle mouse button?
As far as I can tell, a middle mouse click does nothing in PDN right now and when I tested to see if this feature was already implemented, it just felt right to me.
So I say follow in Notch's footsteps with the middle mouse button, afterall he himself advocated PDN on his blog for creating games
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May 30, 2011
Is there a tool missing from Organizer? A "create new folder" tool button?
Also when returning to organizer, the program doesn't remember where in the folder it was browsing and opens at the TOP of the list. Can Organizer stay running in the background? It can be slow on older machines. Good thing for fast RAM and CPU.
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May 20, 2012
I watched a video, but next to the Lasso icon on the tool bar I don't see a square Selection Mode icon. Also, I don't see a green Apply button.
I was able to remove the object using the Carver tool. However, I had to reduce theTif file to 8 bits. I'm not sure what the difference is. (The photo is for publication in a magazine.)
BTW, when I go to the Corel help page, the top of the page is cut off so I can't get to the search box.
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May 23, 2011
Having difficulty setting the CROP tool outlines. It seems to snap to the CENTER of pixels? and the edges are difficult to grab, especially when zoomed way in to the corners/pixel level. Also dragging the outline edges seems sluggish and I don't see four numerical readouts in the CORP tool palett like earlier Jasc versions.
p.s. I almost always crop to the hearest 5 pixels, i.e. 675x495.
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Aug 31, 2011
PSP X3 Not Responding, I had to terminate PSP ... I accidentally picked the Picture Tube tool, and then picked the adjacent Fill tool that I really wanted to use. The problem was that PSP was updating the Picture Tube cache, and was still in process at 98% and then hung! Not responding, killing the photo loader process not enough, so lost my current image edits. Not so good!
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Oct 10, 2012
I do not want to use the the Pen Tool to make selections of Vectors! I want to know if it possible to use the Pen Tool to select say the eyes or the arm or the chair or the apple, etc! Then convert that vector pen tool selection into a Raster selection?
Photoshop and Gimp do this! I would love this feature in PaintShop Pro X5, but since that out maybe the next version X6!
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm using Paint Shop Pro X2. Within the past 2 days a problem arises when I try to load more than one photo on the screen. I have multiple photos of the same thing and I want to compare them. When I switch to one of the other photos, all of a sudden I lose the top bar that contains the 3 icons to close, minimize or expand. My only alternative is to shut the program down and restart it.
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Nov 11, 2011
PSP is and has always been THE best graphics app with a truly intuitive interface and useful set of features & tools.
I have been using it for many, many years... sniffed around other products, but always returned, fully satisfied with what I can achieve. I've also written a suite of scripts to further enhance my use of it alongside my photography hobby.
HOWEVER... since Corel took it over and the start of the X series, there has been a serious and very annoying omission concerning the Crop tool. Previous versions up to v9 allowed the user to grab hold of the edges of the crop box ANYWHERE along ANY side, and drag/extend/reduce the size of the box. This allowed us photographers to zoom in to pixel level and grab any part of the visible box to adjust the crop dimensions very accurately. This is a very important feature for photographers.
The new X interface has changed the crop box to 'vector node handles' only for adjustment, which are not always visible when zoomed in. This means that instead of being able to align the box accurately to an image feature or row of pixels, you have to zoom out until you can find the nearest handle to use, or scroll up/down left/right, which either takes you away from the area you want to work on, or zoom too far out to see the detail you want for alignment.
option/preference to ditch the vector handles and grab the sides as before. I know you may think it a backward step, but you've taken away the very function that photographers need for cropping a composition, which is available in other products.
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