I am evaluating Lightroom 5.3. I want to import files from a Nikon D800. I was able to import photos directly from the camera memory card, however I have not been able to import photos that I previously transfered from the memory card to my hard drive using Nikon Transfer 1.0 program. Is there a way to get these files to import into Lightroom?
I've been trying to figure this out for over a week since I got my D800 and am not making any progress. I am using LightRoom 4.1 and Adobe Camera Raw 7.1 on a Mac OS X v10.6.8.
I read that I need ACR 6.7 in order to recognize the D800 NEF files, but I don't know how to remove 7.1. I tried deleting ACR from my .library folder and reinstalling 6.7 but it still says it's 7.1 when I open up LR4.1 again. Also, I only have Photoshop CS5 and I read that 7.1 supports the D800 NEF files in CS6 only.
On a probably unrelated note, I bought the educational version of LR4 and when I go back to my email that contained the download link, it shows a blank page on "My Orders" even though I've purchased this and other educational versions from Adobe in the last few years. I got the LR4.1 download file and reinstalled after removing the release candidate I was checking out, but wasn't prompted for my registration code that was in my purchase email.
Camera Raw import filter for Nikon D800 NEF files in LR 3.6? I believe LR 4.1 supports this file type natively, but I am not yet ready to update to 4.1.
I can, however read these files in Adobe P-Shop CS5 and Bridge CS5.
Tried importing files from memory card with pics taken in both JPEG and RAW. Imported JPEG's but not the RAW pics. It has accepted RAW files before. First time using Nikon D800 camera.
I cannot open Nikon D800 RAW image files in lightoom 2. My raw files will not import into lightroom (it imports jpegs, but not the RAW files) I am using Lightroom 2, version 2.7, camera Raw 5.7.
I try to import my d800 nef files and Lightroom does not recognize them and will not import. I looked on the site and it SAYS it supports them but nothing. I looked for a raw plugin but when I clicked the link it would not go anywhere. I don't want to shoot my wedding with this camera if LR can't support it and I have to return it to the camera store FAST if not.
I just purchased and installed Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) to use with my Nikon D800. However, I can't open the .nef (raw) files but the .jpg files from the same camera will open. What do I need to do to open .nef files from the D800?
I upgraded to Photoshop CS6 from CS5.X and I can not open RAW files in Camera RAW for my Nikon D800. It functioned properly in CS5 with the latest RAW release but won't work in CS6.
How can I open a NEF file from NikonD800 in photoshop CS5 Windows, camera raw plug in version same problem for CS5 MAC, camera raw plug in version
I still cannot open RAW files shot by Nikon D800 in Photoshop, even with ACR RC 6.7 installed or even Photoshop CS 6 beta. Some seem to have succeeded by installing ACR RC 6.7.
I have Photoshop CS5 Version 12.0 (x64). Photoshop recognises Nikon D 800 Raw files BUTBridge does not. I have tried updates but my Apple Mac Pro does not recognise them
I just shot my first batch of RAW images using the new Nikon D800. When I downloaded the images using Bridge the thumbnails in the download dialog shows the images. But after download the images are not being shown. Instead I get an icon. If I double click on an image I get a message that camera RAW doesn't recognize the file and a recommendation to update.
I have checked updates from within Bridge and from Photoshop and both tell me that everything is up to date. Photoshop tells me the camera RAW plug in is 6.6 and that is the latest shown on the Adobe download page. According the the information page 6.6 is compatible with the D800.
I'm having trouble tethering my Nikon D800 to Lightroom 4.4.
Attempts at tethering mostly produce "No Camera Detected" after File > Tethered Capture in Lightroom. There have been some occasions however when the camera was detected and tethering functioned for a short while.
These successful occasions happened using the same approach and equipment.I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Version 6.1 (with i7) and both camera and Lightroom have been updated.
I have been using Lightroom 3 since 2011 and haven't had any trouble importing Nikon NEF files until today when I got an error message saying, "The follwing files were not imported because they could not be read." I tried importing from several different CF cards so I don't think they are the problem. And I'm using a D700 which is supported by LR3. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling LR like some have suggested but I'm still getting the same error message.