Lightroom :: How To Import CR2 Files From Capture One Pro 7.0 Into 5.3

Feb 19, 2014

I'm trying to import CR2 files from Capture One Pro 7.0 into Lightroom 5.3. I've done this before but this time around LR5 is not seeing the files yet I know they're there.

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Lightroom :: Major Catalog With Wrong Capture Dates After Moving Files On Import

Jul 26, 2013

I had a decently organized folder structure with all photos from about 2005 on being organized by year (moved to their corresponding year folder on import from memory card). 
However i had about 10,000 or so photos which were placed randomly in folders and sub folders from various backup/restores etc, which were imported into lightroom but not moved into their corresponding year folders. 
I just purchased LR5 and i wanted to finally take the time to organize my file folder structure and create a new catalog.  Following a method i researched found here: [URL]....
Here is what i did:
1)  In Lightroom 4 i highlighted All Photos and saved metadata to file for every photo. (thinking this would keep all original metadata and any adjustments i made on the files)
2)  Fired up lightroom 5 and started a new catalog.  I then proceeded to import folders from my photo file folder and use the Import and Move option which imported and moved the files into the folders by year.
3)  This seemed to work well but it seems i wound up with lots of duplicates (the older photos i had often had filename1.jpg and filename1-2.jpg which were often a cropped dupe) which was not a big deal and still ok so far.
4)  I really liked the ability to click on the Year folder in the library and see all the photos for that year but i noticed that TONS of photos were missing within each year.
It turns out that a TON of photos which were in one of their own folders (not by year) folder were moved to 2013 folder and the original capture date had been re-written as 7-24-13 (the import date) overwriting what it was originally there and ruining my organization!
My catalog is a mess, all the files have been moved to a year folder and alot of the years are just plain wrong.  I don't want to sort through my entire collection (48,000 photos) and find miss-labeled dates and out of place files!
what can i do to restore the original capture date and put my collection back in the proper order?

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Lightroom :: Capture Time In Import Dialog?

Aug 16, 2012

Is there anyway possible to view capture time instead of filename on the thumbnails in the import dialog?
In the normal gridview it is possible to change to a lot of diffrent info so it would be great if I could do the same thing in gridview in import dialog.
The info is there since I can hover to se the date but it would be a lot faster if it could be visible directly.

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Lightroom :: How To Edit Capture Time On NEF Files

Mar 30, 2013

I tried to edit the capture time on NEF files. I set -5 hours in "Metadata" > "Edit Capture Time", selected "Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" and clicked "Save to Metadata" but the file does not change. There is just a new XMP file created, but i would like to edit this in raw files.
When I tried the above steps witha JPEG file everything works fine, but also when I try to change capture time on files, which exists in JPEG and NEF, neither the JPEG nor the NEF changes. Only the XMP.
It's the same problem like this, but even there is no answer:[URL].....
I run Lightroom 4.3 on Windows 7.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Files Don't Transfer Using Tethered Capture With D800

Mar 6, 2014

I'm trying to set up tethered shooting with my D800. Following the steps to initiate tethered capture per Adobe, the camera is recognized, the camera settings are updated in LR when changed at the camera, and the LR shutter release functions properly. Only the files never transfer to LR. LR indicates that the "Files are Transferring from Camera" but they never do.  Here's some additional information.
Macbook Pro v 10.8.5
Lightroom 5.3 up to date.
D800 firmware up to date.

I've gone through all the steps on the Adobe troubleshooting page. I've tried this with a CF card installed and no card installed. This setup works perfectly with Image Capture on the Mac.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Cannot Partly Read Nikon Capture NX2 Changes In NEF Files

Apr 29, 2013

If I improve a NEF-File in capture NX2 and save it as a NEF-file and afterwards will import these files into LR, then the changes are available on the LR Importscreen (great), but during the import-process in LR the changes - embedded in the NEF-file - disappear, and I just see the original NEF-file before the changes.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Can No Longer Sort RAW With JPG Files Together By Capture Date

Nov 15, 2012

Suddenly I can no longer sort  JPG and RAW files together by capture date. I have two Canon SLR's shooting in RAW and one Canon point an shoot shooting in JPG and want to collate the photos in LR4, which I was able to do up to now. I cannot find out what I did to make this happen or correct it in LR preferences.

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Lightroom :: Capture Time On Imported Video Files Shifted Forward Five Hours

Jul 1, 2012

Video files from an iPhone 4S (5.1.1) are transferred onto my Mac (this story is true under 10.7.4 and under 10.8) via PhotoSync.  In Finder, the files reflect the correct creation date.  On importing the files to Aperture, the correct capture time and date is shown in the metadata.  On importing the files to Lightroom 4.1, however, the capture time shows as plus-five hours from when actually shot.  I can't think of any setting I might have tripped in Lr to cause this to happen on import (I understand how to manually change the capture time).

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Lightroom :: Canon S100 Photo Capture Time Correct But Video Capture Time Is Wrong?

Jan 6, 2013

I have a Canon S100 and just started importing photos and video into my LR 4.3 catalog. I convert RAW to DNG, and the Capture Time on the photos in LR is correct. However, the video Capture Time is shifted forward exactly 8 hours. I know how to correct the video Capture Time, but is there anything I can do to stop this from happening in the first place? I looked at what the metadata looks like in Bridge.

Date Created = Correct Capture Time
Date File Modified = The time I imported the file into LR.
Date Created = Capture Time + 8 hours
Date File Modified = Correct Capture Time

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Lightroom :: Why Does Capture Date In Metadata Panel Not Match Capture Date Seen In Grid Extra View

Dec 19, 2013

Why does the capture date in the metadata panel not match the capture date seen in the grid extra view and how do I fix it?  The images that I have in my library are digitized negatives and I've corrected the capture dates and times to be accurate; however, the capture date and in the metadata window shows what I've changed it to and the date in both the grid extra view and the Metadata>Edit Capture Time... options both reflect the date the image was last modified.  Not all of the images in my library are this way and some show the correct information.  When sorted by Capture Time, all images fall exactly where they should in the proper order (based on the changed, corrected edit time and not the modified date).  I saved metadata to the file with the new date but it didn't fix it. 

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Lightroom :: Keeps Changing NEF-RAW Files To DNG Files Upon Import

Jul 31, 2013

I am currently using a Nikon D7100 and recording my photos in the Raw/NEF-RAW format.  Recently, whenever I am uploading my photos to Lightroom 5, my photos are changing to .dng files rather than staying in the NEF file.  When I go and look back at my previous imports from the past few times, they are in NEF and NOT in .dng.  Why is this doing this and how do I turn this feature off so that my files remain the same going from my camera to my computer through importation. 

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Lightroom :: 4 - When Import Files Load As CR2 Files Not DNG

Apr 4, 2013

I just upgraded to a 5D and LR4.. when I import the files load as CR2 files, not DNG files.  When the files import it takes 4 files to find them. It also will not recognize the file names in the library.  How do I fix this to import like it did in LR 3??

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Lightroom :: How To Import RAW CR2 Files

Mar 5, 2013

Today I went to LR4 and tried to import RAW CR2 files into the program using the usual import process which is pretty automatic. I also asked that copies be saved as DNG files. No matter what I tried, I got an error message saying that the files could not be imported. I use a Canon 5D Mark III. The only difference in today's shoot was that I used and HDSC card instead of a CF card. No other obvious changes. Clearly, this is a serious concern. What amI missing?

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Lightroom :: Only Import RAW And Not JPG Files?

Feb 8, 2013

How can I make Lightroom import only RAW and not JPG files? (Some camera's require you to save a JPG next to a RAW to generate the best preview on the camera LCD).

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Import PDF Files

May 7, 2012

how do i import pdf files onto lightroom 4?

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Lightroom :: Can't Import Files Into 4.3

Feb 25, 2013

I am suddenly unable to import photo files from my computer directory into LR 4.3. I have imported thousands of photos previously, but now I get an error message "Could not copy a file to the requested location". I have seen comments elsewhere on forums which says that to solve this the "Destination" has to be set to "Pictures". I can't find anywhere to select "Pictures" in the Destination menu.
LR is now totally useless to me. How can you get to talk to an expert at Adobe? I just get sent round in circles and end up back on the forum every time!! This is urgent!
25/02/13 Solved this myself. Found after clicking on the arrow at the top right, I got a pull-down menu of recently used destination paths, and by ticking the one which showed "My Lightroom Photos/ Pictures" all was well. (My Lightroom Photos is my directory in which I keep all my photos).

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Lightroom :: 2.5 Won't Import Raw Files

May 25, 2012

Lightroom 2.7 won't import raw files from folder. After I choose files and click they come up as a white file that says (preview not available for this image )  and I  can't go any further. Have no trouble importing JPEGS.

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Lightroom :: Why Won't CR2 Files Import

Apr 3, 2013

I can't get my RAW files to import.  Shooting on the 5DM3 using jpeg + RAW setting.  I got the jpegs to import, but not RAW. 

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import Any Files On 4.2

Dec 5, 2012

I have been having problems with importing all files to Lightroom since my Macbook was 'healthchecked'!! I get the message 'cannot read files'. This started with Lightroom 3 - where I have tried to delete the preference file and then recreate - no luck, after alot of other things tried, I then uninstalled Lightroom 3 and installed a fresh version of Lightroom 4.2 - and the problem still exists.

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Lightroom :: RAW Files Will Not Import?

Jun 5, 2012

RAW files will not import. Told the program does not recognize the file type. Worked fine before upgrading to version 4.1.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 RC Does Not Import Files?

May 23, 2012

I use a Lexar USB 3 card reader to import files created by my Canon 5d Mk-II. I click on Import on the lower left corner of LR, point to the drive which displays the files on the card. But when I click on Import LR simply sites there with the progress bar at the top not moving. I waited for quite a while several times and the files did not copy and import. Then I copied the files using Windows explorer to the folder where they are kept and tried to synchronize the folder but that option was not avaliable from the right-click on the folder name context menu. I have to shut down LR and restart before the Synchronize Folder appears again.
Another, and possibly related anomaly is the number of files LR report that could be imported. The number is always wrong. For instance, there may be 25 files sync but it reports something like 172.

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Lightroom :: RAW Files Will Not Import

May 19, 2013

Replaced Nikon D80 with D7100 and now RAW files will not import, suspect Raw plug in is out of date but my PC Windows Home XP is quite old with only 960MB of RAM, will i need to upgrade to LR4 and upgrade PC too?

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Lightroom :: Import PNG Files Into 3?

Aug 30, 2012

Is there any way to import png files into Lightroom 3?  I made a catalog for scrapbooking and my png files were not imported.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Raw Files In LR5

Nov 22, 2013

So I have just started using a D4. I was trying to upload my photos, and the RAW files will not import. I was using LR3, and thought it had something to do with the version, so got LR5, and its not working. FIles could not be imported because they could not be read. I am on MAC OSX 10.5.7. Files will import fine if they are JPG, or RAW from my D3.

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Lightroom :: How To Import ARW Files In 3.6

May 22, 2013

How can I import ARW files in LR 3.6?
I just read:

Support for the Sony RX100 was added in Lightroom 4.2 or Camera Raw 7.2.
So read first and ask later.  I think that's better.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Wants To Import The Same Files Twice?

Nov 9, 2012

I'm using LR 4.2, Windows 7 Pro.
I notice lately that sometimes when importing new files from a card, previously imported files are sometimes imported again. 
I do check "organize my files by date," and after the date folder is created, I typically modify the folder name to add a description.  I also rename files on import.  I always check "new." 
Still, I thought that LR could keep track of this type of stuff.

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Lightroom :: How To Import PSB Files Into LR4

Jul 3, 2012

I am trying to import .psb files into LR4.  They don't show up, even if they were saved with Max. Compatibility.  Is there a workaround for this?
ps:  I'm having no problem importing .psd's

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Lightroom :: Why Won't RAW Files Import Into LR4

May 31, 2012

I have been using LR since version 1 and never had this happen before.  When I have an SD card filled with jpegs and RAW files from my Fuji X100 camera and try to import all of them into LR 4, ONLY the jpeg files get imported.  None of the RAW files get moved into LR at all.  I have to create a new folder, move all the RAW files so that they are alone, and do a second import. Why cannot I import all at one time, not even thinking about the difference?

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import DNG Files

Apr 13, 2013

I've downloaded a collection of terxtures in .dng format which is not seen by LR.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Set Of Raw Files From New GX1 Into LR4

Apr 9, 2012

Just tried to import a set of raw files from my new GX1 into LR4... getting error message.

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Lightroom :: Can't Import NEF Files Into 4.3

Mar 24, 2014

I just got a Nikon D610 and found that I am unable to import raw files (NEF) into Lightroom 4.3. I get an error message that says "The file is not recognized by the raw format support in Lightoom. (1)". I have checked for updates and it says my software is up to date.

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