Lightroom :: Cannot Delete Missing Photos In 4.3?
Dec 13, 2012I searched for the missing files, I selected them all and when I tried to delete them, I couldn't. Nothing happened. Not a single window appeared.
View 8 RepliesI searched for the missing files, I selected them all and when I tried to delete them, I couldn't. Nothing happened. Not a single window appeared.
View 8 Repliesdeleting watermarks from Lightroom 4. I had a bunch of watermarks that I had created in LR4 that was a result of trying to redo a previously created watermark (why Adobe don't allow you to overwrite I don't know) but instead of overwriting the currently selected watermark LR4 lets you create a new preset from the changes. These changes build up over time and you sometimes end up with missing or moved files. If these graphic files are missing then you may or may not have ran into my dilema where when you select the watermark to try and delete it, the dialog box just keeps disappearing and nothing you do seem to work. Don't dispear, here is a solution I've discovered that I couldn't find anywhere else.
1. Open LR4 (Not sure if this works with other versions)
2. Select the Print module (this seem to be the fastest, easiest way to access and edit watermarks)
3. Select the check box next to the watermark under the "Page" pane on the right (this will allow you to select and edit the individual watermarks)
4. select the dropdown menu and chose the watermark that you want to edit. The dialog bot will open but beware it will quickly vanish in a couple seconds so here is my solution (at least until Adobe fixes this problem). Grab hold of the dialog box before it closes and hold it for a few seconds, this will delay or stop it from closing instantaneously.
5. Select the dropdown menu within the dialog box and chose delete watermark option, confirm that you want to delete and voila!
LR states that my photos are missing, but none of my photographs seem to be missing, ie, there are no question marks and all photos can be found, edited, and exported in the normal fashion.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have found that I cannot delete any photos from LR 4.1 using any delete command (from disc choice). Ctrl+Backspace method or right click -> delete method. No amount of fussing going to other files and then back to the ones I want to delete works. Rebooting the program doesn't work. Google search shows that this may be a known bug.
I cannot delete anything in LR (from disc) and can only delete one file at a time from explorer (directly from LR - that is, LR will not show me more than one file at a time in explorer). I am on new computer (never had this issue before): Windows 7 professional 64 bit, processor i7-3770 3.40 GHz, 16GB RAM.
Now I find that I cannot move files at all through the LR 4.1 interface.Perhaps windows is not giving permission to LR to move anything?
I deleted pictures off my computer but they are still on the Lightroom. Is there anyway to get those pictures back on my computer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just been told by a customer that "Delete Rejected Photos" in a Smart Collection no longer works in LR5. Previously it was possible to delete photos from the catalog, even when viewed in a Smart Collection, by marking them as "rejected" and then using the "Delete Rejected Photos" command. Is this a deliberate change?
It seems as though this has also changed from a static collection. "Delete Rejected Photos" asks if I want to "remove the <n> rejected photos from Lightroom" but in fact only removes them from the collection.
deleting multiple photos in lightroom 3. I shift-click to select multiple photos and press delete, but it always only delete 1 of the selected. How do i fix this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn LR3 I recently created a Smart Collection from color flagged photos. Now I want to add a few, and delete a few. How? The obvious method are not allowed with SMART Collections.
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhen I upload in i-photo I get a prompt asking me if I want to delete the photos from my camera. How do you do this in Lightroom?
Also, when in Lightroom can you 'safely remove or unmount' your camera from your computer? I have a mac and am not sure how to safely remove my camera when I'm not in i-photo.
Lightroom 4 imports photos and videos from my iPhone and puts them where I want them to go, and names the directories the way I want. All good. But it also leaves the photos on the phone to be manually deleted. Is there some way to have it delete the photos after import?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot get Lightroom 5 to delete photos from my hard disk. Placing x and then responding to the question "Delete from disk" doesn't work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just imported all my photos into LR 4 and would like to delete them from my phone. how to do this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThis problem started yesterday after I moved some of my library to an external hard drive. I created a new catalog and moved the photos within lightroom. I don't know if the move of photos caused the error or not. Now whenever I try to delete rejected photos, I get the following error message:
Database "/Users/mollynordin/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat": PreviewDataObservers_DevSettingsDeletions.devSettingsDigest may not be NULL Statement:
DELETE FROM Adobe_imageDevelopSettings WHERE id_local = ?;
My wife and I have been using LR for a long time. We're currently on version 4. Unfortunately, she's not as tech-savvy or meticulous as I am, and she has been unknowingly "Removing" photos from the LR catalog when she really meant to delete them from the hard disk. That means we have hundreds of unwanted raw photo files floating around in our computer and no way to pick them out from the ones we want! As a very organized and space-conscious person, I can't stand the thought. So my question is, what is the most efficient way to permanently delete these unwanted photos from the hard disk
I did find to synchronize the parent folder with their respective catalogues, select all the photos in "Previous Import," and delete those, since they will be all of the photos that were previously removed from the catalogue.
This is a great suggestion, but it probably wouldn't work for all of my catalog since my file structure is organized by date (the default setting for LR). So, two catalogues will share the same "parent folder" in the sense that they both have photos from May 2013, but if I synchronize May 2013 with one, then it will get all the duds PLUS the photos that belong in the other catalog.
I'm running Lightroom 5 on OS X 10.8 and my photos are located on a network attached storage drive. When I delete a photo, I select the "Delete from Disk" option. Next it says:
1 of these files could not be moved to the Trash. The files are on a volume that does not support Trash. Would you like to permanently delete them?
The options are "Permanently Delete Files" and "Cancel."
Is it possible to permanently bypass the "Permanently Delete Files" prompt?
I love deleting my photos from both the catalog and my disk but the default "lit up" button on LR3 is only to delete from the catalog. Why to do that and then have an uncataloged picture sitting on their drive.
Is there any way to shift the "default" highlighted button to the delete from disk button so I can just press return when I go to delete my rejected pix?
When I emptied my MAC desktop trash, it somehow deleted my entire iphoto. I can still see all of my edited versions of my photos in LR, but it says they are missing. Because my trash was emptied, it says it can't find them anywhere. Is there ANY way to get them straight from LR. I already went to an outside source to retrieve and couldn't get good files, BUT i can see them clear as day on my LR.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy 2006 folder w/ 1,000+ photos was accidently put into the 2007 folder. I can view the 2007 photos but the 2006 photos are missing. I can view the date the photo was taken, with the number of pictures, along with a question mark.
View 2 Replies View Relatedis there an option to delete photos after importing from a camera or smart phone? For example, import selected photos from a camera and then delelte those photos on the camera after importing them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you search for missing photos from within a folder? I know there's the command that says "find all missing photos" but that delivers results for the entire catalog. I'd like to see the missing photos from just one folder and wonder if that's possible.
View 10 Replies View RelatedYesterday, all of my photos were on my laptop. Today, I get the message that all of 2013, including the photos I uploaded today, are "offline or missing".
View 2 Replies View RelatedImported file into MAC LR3 and worked great that day, but now the photos are either totally absent or the file is "offline or missing."
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have Lightroom 2. When I open it and select a photo it says the photo is "Missing or Offline". What has happened to my photos?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI uploaded some RAW + Jpeg files and converted to them DNG into a folderin My Pictures called '*****_originals'.I've edited some of them in LR and others in PS. From PS, I created a new folder I named '****Edited' and 'Saved As' Jpeg's into this folder! From Lightroom, I exported the ones I'd edited, as Jpegs to the same folder as above.But, when I looked in the folder in Lightrooms Library, only the photo's exported from LR were there....OK, that's fine, as I knew I'd have to 're-import' the PS files back into the LR Catalog BUT, here's the problem....
When I go to import, those photo's are already there but greyed out, so I can import!But when I go back to the Library module again, they're not there? I can see them in finder and in Bridge... is this a Bug?
I upgraded from 3.5 to 3.6 this morning and now 3/4 of my photo's show as gray boxes in the panel at the bottom of the screen. I click on the little question mark near the box and it tells me that the photo is missing. the box next to the question mark tells me the previos location and asks me if I want to locate it. This is new as of the upgrade. What should I do? This is happening with a couple thousand photographs.
View 5 Replies View Relatedwhen checking my LR back up for photos there are just a few , I have backed up everytime LR suggested. Where are the other photos ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have multiple smart collections and MANY disks offline. If I plug in 2 or 3 disks but not the other 6 or so and only want my smart collections to show "online" photos....
View 7 Replies View RelatedAll photos are either offline or missing in lightroom 5....
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have created a new folder with all my photos. Within it are individual folders named by year (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009...).
I have several old catalogs with photos pointing to different files on several external HDs. I want to relink them nice and neatly so that they all point to the photos on my newly created folder on a dedicated external HD.
How can I relink all the photos? I've searched all over the internet but the only information that I can find are those related to "missing photos and question marks in the corner (and not just "resetting paths" as in Expression Media/iView). I have attempted to FORCE the question mark and relink it that way but Lightroom will not find nearby files. It only finds photos taken on the same day.
There must be some easy way like in Expression Media/iView to simply reset the path, i.e., manually relink in big batches (all photos in one folder).
I installed Lightroom 4 on my laptop a couple of months ago. Since then I’ve had to replace laptops so my computer support person backed up what I’d done on Lightroom and reinstalled the software on my new laptop (which I just received yesterday).
Under the folder section when I view my Galapagos photos, on each photo there is a statement saying “The file named ‘May 2012, Galapagos, Jude (photo #).JPG’ is offline or missing.” This statement is also on the photos in the collection section. As I’ve spent many hours in the development module I don’t want to lose what I’ve done.
I did have a '?' on the impacted folder but that's not there anymore. I had right-clicked on the '?' and attempted to locate the missing folder. The folder name is now lightroom and I can't rename it!
I imported more photos and this folder is fine.
After the latest update my catalog seem to be missing. My photo's are in Collections, but as soon as I want to work with them ; I get message Photo missing. (See attached.
If I try and find missing folder and check box - DON'T IMPORT SUSPECTED DUPLICATES - the tick goes away as if the photos are already imported. (See attached print screens.