I have a Canon 5D Mark III and LR 4.3. I normally import photos using a CF card reader. However, I'm on vacation and only have the USB cable that connects the camera to my Macbook Pro. I've used this successfully in the past to import photos, but I'm now getting the following error:
I get this whether I select one or multiple photos (there are about 195 on the card right now).
I am working on a assembly where a cable wrapped around a drum is animated to rotate with the drum, and there is a longer cable coming off of the rotating cable wrap, this longer piece goes down to another cable on a roller assembly. I have edited the assembly to work without the actual cable drum and without the roller assembly ( I wasnt allowed to share those models ) There are now two cylinders in place of the cable drum, a Grounded center to hold everything in place, a Rotating center which is animated so the wrap can rotate.
My problem is when the part named "Drum to Roller" is a lofted cable with angled ends to meet the "Drum wire wrap" at one end and it meets the "Radius cable ends" at the other end. I need the "Drum to roller" to stay constrained to the "radius cable ends" as well as the "drum wire wrap" ... and after being constrained still animate.
I have set up the animation and you will see that the "Drum wire wrap" is animated to keep the end vertical , the animation is set up to look like the "drum wire wrap' is un-raveling cable and the "drum to roller" is to be what un ravels.
I need to find a way so that the "drum to roller" translates down and over , staying constrained to the "drum wire wrap".. You will see that so far it does not.
I have attached two links below they include the two halfs of my assembly, place all the files in the same folder so you wont have to search for them manually.
I add five photos to a folder in Lightroom 4.3. The photos are in the specified folder in Windows. Import shows the five photos as imported but greyed out and semi-highlighted. Library does not show these five photos. What can I do?
When I go to import photos into PS from lightroom, I am losing my edits. Not sure what the deal is. I checked the color profile and also proof set up and they seem to be right... [URL]...
since updating from lightroom 4 to lightroom 4.2 I cannot open new photos in My Pictures with lightroom - therefore, I cannot import new photos. I uninsalled the 4.2 - but I still have no option to open photos.
I have Lightroom 5 installed on a Dell desktop running Windows 8. LR 5 won't import any files - they just don't appear in the LR browser. Photos already in the catalog appear as expected. I still have LR 4 installed and the same photos import as expected. The same photos are read as well in Photoshop CS6 and Elements 10. The latest video drivers are installed. As a result, LR 5 is unusable. How to make Lightroom 5 import photos?
My wife imported some images and saved them to an external hard drive. I then took the hard drive with me on an air force deployment to the desert. The photos are still on the memory card, is there a way to reimport them and save them to the desktop? Right now they show up darkend and she cannot check the box to import.
I had repeated crashes today while trying to import photos into Lightroom V4.1. After reading the forum about import problems and suspected causes of peripheral devices, I disconnected an iPad3 from the USB port on my computer. The import problem has disappeared.
I've unchecked the 'don't import suspected dupcliates' box, and still it will not import all my images. I've shut down, restarted, done everything I can think of and still it only imports some of my photos and not all.
I'm getting an error message when trying to import photos. (error, not enough memory) I am re-installing my lightroom on my new desktop from my old laptop.
LR3 will not improt photos from my card off desktop reader. It freezes while "looking for files" when converting Raw to DNG. It's a new problem. Just got new mobile and loaded photos from there (Samsung Galaxy 3). Does that have anythin to do with messing up settings?
I am unable to import photos into Lightoom 4.4 on Macbook Pro running on Mountain Lion. I tired importing photos directly from the sdcard, both via the inbuild reader & and external USB reader. Import fails in both cases. I then tired copying the files to desktop, import fails with move option too. But when i use the add option, the import works fine.
when i try to import phots from another catalog (from my laptop to my desktop) in Lightroom 5 the dialog box closes before i can select the files i want to import. tried exporting the photos from the laptop to the desktop and then importing on the desktop and get the same issue
I have been having problems with Lightroom 4.4 and importing photos from an external hard drive. I've worked with this configuration for years with no problem. I've been working with 4.4 since it was released as an RC, no issues. It started to be very slow to move into the import modual/function. Then it would hang every time and no sources for import would come up and the program would just stop and I'd get the "not responding" message. I thought it might be a corrupt catalog so I tried one of my backup catalogs, I tried different catalogs all together. I deleted the preference file and that seemed to be the beginning of the end for my current installation. When I tried to open Lightroom (via the catalog file) after deleteting the preference file it was like Lightroom couldn't/wouldn't rewrite the file and open. It would hang. Eventually I did get it to open up but I had to walk away and let it work on opening for a good 10 minutes. It finally came up but was too slow to work with. I gave up and decided to uninstall it and download and install again. It is still wonky and slow and will not import photos at all. I know it is difficult to diagnose something like this but I'm at my wits end. I've used Lightroom since the very beginning and I've come to be quite dependant on it. I just don't even know where to look to figure this out. I've browsed around for import problems but haven't found a whole lot of information or examples. Oh I should mention I tried creating a new empty catalog on my internal hard drive in case the problem somehow was with the external drive but that isn't the case. Actually I have catalogs on a few different external drives. It doesn't matter where the photos are, Lightroom is not happy at the moment. It barely responds to any input and crashes if I try to import photos. I also uninstalled and disabled my Carbonite because I know that can cause problems with some programs and I am desperate to get Lightroom going again.
import again my photos with all the settings which i had already brought to my work. It happened that my cat walking on the keyboard changed the name of the disk where lightroom used to point. Working with Lightroom 3, mac osx 10.5.8.
I've been using Lightroom 3.5 for some time now and have never had any issues with it However, I noticed when I was importing photos into a new catalog today, that it does not import and arrange them chronologically anymore. I'm not sure why this is the case, nor have I changed any of the settings recently.
I'd much rather prefer to have them arranged chronologically so that I can sift through photo sequences and select the best still.
I can see my photos just before I click on import and then after import I just see grey squares and the photos never show up. I have windows 7, Lightroom 3. This has never happened before I have used the program on this computer for months and it just recently started happening.
I am using an iMac with the latest version of Maverick OS. I am trying to import photos into a new catalog with LR4 (also have tried with the trial version of LR5).I have photos in 226 folders in my pictures folder on my hard drive and am trying to import pictures in some of the folders. When I got to import i get a listing of about 8000 photos showing. When I expand to the picture folder to show all 226 subfolders each subfolder will show the photos inside. However 35 of these folders give a notice "no photos found". (the photos are there when looked at from the finder).
why those 35 folders will not show any photos to import.
I'm running LR 5.2 RC and my RAW are getting resized by one pixel when I import them. My RAW are 3456 x 5184 and need to be this size to be accepted by software I am using. Sometimes they are dropping a pixel from the long edge, sometimes just the short edge.
Is there a way to set a default sizing on import if I can't prevent this bug from happening?
I tried the filenaming template and direct input into metadata. Lightroom displays a message that the file name cannot be renamed_but no explanation is given. What am I missing?
I do not want my C drive involved with LR except for the catalog.
What I try to do is create a folder on my D drive and copy files from my CF card to a folder on the D drive. On import I select the newly created folder and import from there. Somehow LR does not want my photos on the D drive but on the C drive.
I cannot find a way to do this which is important because my C drive is under stress with Windows 7 64 and I don't have a lot of room to spare.
I know this is probably very basic but every time I create a folder on the D drive and import the photos are actually in My Pictures folder on the C drive.