I'm making large prints (40x60) from Illustrator files, and the print plugin requires Photoshop. I am converting the AI file's Document Color Mode to RGB, then exporting to PSD as high-resolution 300ppi, using artboards.
When I export the AI files to PSD and view them in PS, the photographic elements appear pixelated at 100% whereas the text & graphics are smooth and high-res. I've checked the linked photographic files, and they are not pixelated. So what I've had to do is export editable PSDs from AI using the "Write Layers" option, open the files in PS, and then re-place the photographic elements so that they are no longer pixelated.
FYI, Anti-Aliasing is set to Art Optimized (Supersampling). The AI and PS files are both sized to 40x60, and the PSD is opening as 300ppi.
Is there any way to prevent Illustrator from adding numbers to the end of exported files? It's really annoying because I end up with a bunch of extra files and only need the single exported version that I overwrite when making changes to the AI file. It's also annoying when I have an exported file linked in a Premiere or Indesign file. I was last using CS3 wich didn't have this 'feature.'
I have been using previous version of LR and never had this problem. Image is not sharp and noise filter doesn't seem to be applied when I do my export. It looks completely different on a Dev Module.
When i import them back into Lightroom 4 they look darker (as they originally were in LR before export). I calibrate my monitor with Spyder 4 pro each month and i have had no problems printing on my Epson r2000 either and have always had accurate prints.
I maybe imaginging things, but it only seems to be with certain photos (most noticably high ISO astrophotography images). I went through old astro shots this week from over a year ago and thats when i noticed the problem. The expoted files are massively brighter than in Lightroom I am at a loss as to what to do. The display profile on my mac is set to the latest monitor calibration. I havent changed anything in LR but i did get rif of a load of crap on my computer this week as it was becoming slow after updating to OS 9 (mackeeper, dropboxes but nothing i could imagine would relate to LR).
I want to do this pixelated gradient thing for my earth. Something like the one in the picture but I don't know how to start. I found a question that is exactly like mine, but I dont really get it. So anyway, I did the outline for my earth, But what do I do after that?
I'm work ing illustrator CS6. My bezier curves are displaying jaggedly. My document raster settings are set to 300. Pixel preview is not on, and overprint preview doesn't change it.
This image is a screenshot of how it displays in illustrator. and here is the same file with a gray background as a high quality PDF.
Ok so I am fairly new to illustrators but I have trained and used Photoshop for years and I have never had this problem. I am creating a logo in Illustrator and when I save it for web and upload it into facebook the image is completely pixelate. I have the document set for RGB at 72 PPI. I am using a web safe color and on screen in illustrator my image loogs perfectly clear. I have tried to save the document is several different file formats and nothing seems to work. I have watched several tutorials and read many documents and set up my document formats to match and it has not fixed the issue.
I was working on a project and I did a very silly mistake with the measurements.
The mistake: Lets say that instead of doing 5 cm I did 5 mm
What I did: Scale the entire art by 1,000%
Result: Looks perfect on the screen and it is the accurate size.
-> The Problem: Now when I export it to JPG or other format it comes out pixelated. I even tried increasing the resolution to 2,400 dpi (I think it is the highest but it is still pixelated)
I'm new to illustrator, but since all the art is vectorized I thought I could change the scale as I pleased and still have a neat image on both the screen and when I export.
PDF files exported from PS (levels included as we need them to be selectable) have corrupted text. When opening the saved pdf file, a part of text doesn't appear. It is usually starting from the second chapter of text.
I'm using Draw X5 to make a diagram using lines, circles, etc. When I try to export this to .tiff, the resulting images are very blurry and unusable. I'm using 300dpi without compression. I've tried with and without anti-aliasing. I can export the exact same thing to .jpg or .gif and they look perfect. Unfortunately I'm submitting this for publication and they require 300dpi .tiff files as the format.
Is there any way that I can quickly locate which files have been exported from LR? I often have to work 2 or 3 sets, and will need to wait for approval from different art directors, product managers, etc. sometimes for days, and I often find myself wondering which was the photo I sent to them- the differences are often very minimal, and by the time they get back to me, I've forgotten them anyway. I know I can flag them, rate them, etc. and obviously I can look at the file in photoshop ( where it has been exported to) but I really would like to know if there is a quick telltale that I can spot in LR.
My exported JPG files look sharp and crystal clear on Flickr. However on Facebook they are blurred and dull. This seems to happen to all my RAW files now. I have not noticed this before and have been using Lightroom since Nov 2012.
How can I fix this since I do share a lot of my work on Facebook as well.
This type of paaren appears on some of my images upon export from lightroom (usually it is most evident on black and whites), how do I eliminate it? It os not on the original or apparent while working on the image in lightroom.
I exported my 90 minute clip for DVD last night - these were split as I am used to into a M2V file and a WAV file - I checked it and had a look last night. I then turned my computer off for the night and have awoken to one file which is a XMP file?I am now using CC so have the latest Adobe Premiere and haven't changed anything else that I am aware of.
I have a photo which was originally approx 150mm x 90mm
I had to resize this to nearly half its original size and it looked decent. I then saved the image as a tiff and placed it in illustrator. It still looked decent in Illustrator until i printed. when it was printed it turned out a little pixelated.
Why is it that when resizing (shorter than original) images pixelate and how can i eliminate this. Also what can i do so to avoid the problem when printing in illustrator.
I mean I always replicate most artwork via vectors in illustrator but photos as you all know can only be transferred across
I am trying to make a globe using a Equirectangular Vector Globe and a set of grid lines using the grid tool.I set everything up and set it all as a symbol. Do my half circle and revolve it, map the art work and size to fit.However when I look at my grid lines at 100% they are pixelated. At 300% they are not.
I'm using CS5 on Mac OSX 10.7.4 and the graphic looks pretty good at 100%, and prints just fine. The design shop is trying to put it on a coffee cup though, and when they scale it down, it looks horrible. Pixelated everywhere.
-antialiasing is on -resolution is 300 DPI -align to pixel grid is not checked.
Here is a screen shot at 100%
Here is a screen shot after I scale the object 70%...
I originally created an image in Illustrator and transfered it to Photoshop so i can change the hues. Now I want to take that Photoshop file and transfer it back to Illustrator but the the edges on the object are very jagged and rough whilst the object in Photoshop is smooth and the transition of gradients is smooth.
I have created a basic document in illstrator CC, and when I try to 'Save for Web' the image opens in the save for web panel extremely small, although says it is 100%, and it is pixellated. I'm using a brand new MacBook pro.
The recent Illustrator CC produces pixelated images job when you choose Save for Web. How to fix this or why it just started happening? CS 5 did not have this issue.
Just got PS CS6 and Illustrator CS6 and went on to edit some pics of my cat. Only to find out that my Lightroom 3.6 doesn't seem to find PNG files exported from RAW using PS CS6.
Is this normal and I have to cough up some more for LR4?
I've been trying to make a male and matching female screw and fitting for attaching two parts that will be 3D printed. However, whenever I export the part to an .STL file, the threads do not show or print properly.
I would like the caption or title to show as an overlay on exported jpeg files. How do I do it? Do I need to do it in Photoshop or can I directly do it in Lightroom 5 CC.