A few nights ago I made a couple of pictures on a tripod of my city by night. Unfortunately there is a lens flare visible on all of them near street lights and I want to remove it. However I've ran into a problem since cloning and repairing isn't suitable since they aren't on a even surface and the Free Selection; Colour -> Components -> Channel Mixer method is making awfull colours in the corners near the lamp. (mostly visible on a selection border which meets the lamp area at an angle of approx 45-90 degrees) This problem probably is because this part of the picture hasn't got an even brightness due to the lamp.
How would you go about removing the red lens flare in front of the dark trees in the background? Maybe also the blue one below the couple... but on that I'd probably just paint over with the clone stamp. Can you spot any "bad" edits done already?
I am trying to remove a serious lens flare from a photo, with varied (and not very good) results.
What would you say would be the best technique to remove this lens flare? work with the photo and demonstrate the result by posting the image here. I should probably point out that this was not shot with RAW.
I have attached a smaller sized version of the image here, but i have also posted the original, full size image here: [URL]
Is there a tutorial on how to remove lens flare in PaintShop Pro X5? I have several images that have this issue, however I couldn't find any tutorials on google for PSP specifically.
I would like to get rip of the 2 light circles under the connecting bridge at the center of the picture
my best photoshop technique is to add fireworks to a pictureI have tried the clone/heal tool in lightroom but the outcome wasn't very good, it replaced the flare with another noticeable circles.
How do you add lens flare to a transparent layer and still be able to see it the lens flare itself? I want to create lens flare on a transparent layer so that I can move around on top of my background.
I have got a black 256x256 canvas and I want to place a single lens flare on there, but I found after doing so that lots of extra "circles" and things appear around the lens flare.
Is there a way to just have the 'bulb' and glow of the surrounding light and not all these extra circles?
1. Create a new square document, say 500x500 pixels. Fill the background with black using the paint bucket (G) tool. Whatever size document you choose to create, it must be square for the latter part of the tutorial to work.
2. Make your self a simple design using Lens Flare (Filter>>Render>>Lens Flare) You should have something like below if you used my design.
3. Hit Ctrl + U and change the saturation of the image to -100 (Don't check colourize)
4. Head up to Filter >> Blur >> Radial Blur and use these settings. (Hit ctrl + F to repeat this step)
5. Go to Filter >> Distort >> Twirl and set it to 100. Duplicate the layer, and repeat the twirl with a setting of -200. Set the blending mode of the new layer to lighten, and merge the two. You can stop here, but if you wish to keep going keep reading.
6. It looks a little blurry doesn't it? Never fear, we're going to fix this now. Hit Ctrl + L and enter these settings
7. Duplicate the merged layers, and rotate the new layer 90*CW. Set the blending mode to Colour Burn to get a totally differen't effect. You're done. You can now use Ctrl + U to colorize the new image.
I have a fill layer set to 50% gray and I am trying to do a lens flare for a tutorial in the Advanced Photoshop Mag but when I go to do a "Lens Flare" it is greyed-out and unclickable.
Is there any way to save lens flare on transparent background? I guess you can cut the center of the flare out and use it like that, but it losses it's magic around. And yes I can implement it in some picture and use the blend mode screen to get rid of the black background, but I want to use it on website and a hover so it shouldn't be too big as a file.
I've recently been touching up some old pictures of my Dad so I have better quality pictures of him. I've used the standard tools in photoshop, some of them automatic and I've produced decent results for myself but I'm stuck on a particular picture which has too much lens flare
I've posted a picture of what I've done already so you see how little I'm changing and in the picture of him in front of a mirror, I don't want to change the detail, just try to enhance / remove blur and most all all, those sodding lens flares?
ok a while ago i saw a cool tut and made this but i tried to remake it today and couldnt quite get it so does anyone know either how this was done or where i could find that tut for it again? oh ya, i remember i used like 3 lens flares and wave but i can't remember the exact steps,
is there a way to change a lens flare color? or, for example. a picture of a car: how can i get it to appear like the car is braking and the lights are glowing?
I'm trying to get the flare out of this photo and can't figure out how to get it done. I'm using CS2 in Windows 2000 and have tried EVERYTHING. I'm sure there's a way to do this but I'm apparently not well-versed enough in PS to make it work.
Is there a way to increase the size of the "Lens Flare" sample? I tried to set a couple of lens flares on a pic I'm working on, but the sample is so small I cannot see where the flare is winding up until I click ok and the flare shows on the pic (and is a mile off)
I need to see if there is a way to either enlarge the 'sample' or get the flare to show on the pic so I an see where to place it exactly. I've found several other 'sample(s)' windows are far too small to do any good... surely there has to be some way to enlarge them?
Or at least to get the Flare to show on the big pic like some of the other filters do as you use them.
I was wondering why the lens flare filter is not available in my CS6 version. I also just tried installing the Photoshop CC version, but also in that one it is not available. I have been looking through the app settings, and checked the filter tabs. Also after a restart of the program I still do not see it appear in either version.
I am a huge fan of this photographer and over the years these same lens flares are in her work. I know they are not natural because they are the same in several photographs. I would love to know where I can find these!
You can see them here, in the header image but also if you scroll down to the blog entry, the first image has a nice clear example.
1) There's a part of a Lensflare that travels across a characters face, which I need to remove. What is the best way to deal with this? 2) I also need to change the Lens Streak on the street light to one that's horizontal.
I'm attaching a low res Quicktime of the shot - (608kb)
I would like to grade and add grain to an Action Lens Flare separate from the rest of the comp. I thought I would be able to create an Output for just the Lens Flare Object and its matte but when I add that object to the output list it doesn't show up.
I'm having trouble with my animated Lens Flare and the inaccuracy between the main timeline. It's the default AE filter. I have the Lens Flare animation in a composition called textbox which is within the main composition.
If you look at the screenshot you'll see the animated lens flare which moves from left to right. This animation is in my textbox comp.
On the second screenshot you'll see I'm at the same time, but the flare animation is inconsistent. I can't figure out what it is. I have the fps all the same.