Edge Animate CC :: How To Create Animated Drop Down Menu
Feb 12, 2014How do you create an animated drop down menu to put into adobe muse? this link is what I'm trying to achive [URL]....
View 1 RepliesHow do you create an animated drop down menu to put into adobe muse? this link is what I'm trying to achive [URL]....
View 1 RepliesHow do you create a responsive and fluid carousel, vertical or horizontal for a menu which includes multiple items. the carousle can be dragged via mouse or touch. when the item is clickes, then it will launch a URL or plau a timeline.
View 3 Replies View Relatedinsert HTLM content into an EGDE animated Div box? Specificaly an HTML table? I can get the html code in the box but it won't read/render it as html code. In flash you can tell the program that the contents of the box is html code and it will read it as such but I don't see any way to do that here. I've tried several ways and I can get the code to display in the box but it won't render the code instruction in the boxCan it be done ?
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow to create awesome landing page in adobe edge animate cc..and awesome circule count town timmer.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow can i save a animated logo in adobe edge 3.0 to use it in adobe muse ?
View 1 Replies View Relatedsome links to Adobe Edge samples that are using character/ personality +small animation+ web navigation. This is just an approximate example I am searching for: a cartoon character is holding a sign, on roll over or on press state the sign expands and shows navigation elements to other pages of the website. Has anything like this has been done using Adobe Edge? I can't even find one example of such interactivity, can you believe this?? I remember when I was heavy into Flash (10 year ago) there was a lots of samples of such web navigation elements, whether they were usability friendly it is another question, but wanted to see if anyone has seen a resent implementation of similar concept online using Adobe Edge.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm doing a chemistry animation and need a custom mask similiar to below:where a student presses down on one of the arrow buttons and this animates the numbers upwards until they let go of the button.
Is there an easy way to do this in Edge?And how would I go about controlling the numbers upward movement with the pressing of a button?
Drag & Drop with validation.What I need to do and would like to learn is:I have 4 buttons that I can drag and a box that I drag the right choice. If the option is correct stays, it is if it was incorrect is returned to its place of origin.
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow I can control another Edge animation and/or html element of a single page from a custom Edge animated button? For example, I created an animated tabbed buttons in Edge, then I want to animate a different Edge animate once I clicked on a button in the other Edge animation. I want to add multiple Edge animation in one page instead of one big Edge animation. This is partly because the design of the page is done is Muse with the parallax effect.
View 2 Replies View Related1. crolling like where you have buttons for example or press on a navigation bar tab, then it goes to that specific pace of the page, for a one page website, for example some sites you press on contacts and gose down to the bottom of the page where the contacts place is located, not opening a new link.
2.Second, navigation bar, where it fallows the scroll as it gose down, like for example when it is html the object is fixed to the top, and when you scroll down it will fallow it it,
3.I need Parallex scrolling where you can have the timeline or animations run while you scroll in the meantime and have animation running all the time, for example the infographic site where the bees are fluying but still have seperate animations while you scroll
4.I would also like to ask if like looping each animations sperately, not looping the whole timeline, can it be possible to loop an animation while you have all the interactivity witht he site like looping seperately all the time, without interfeering with all the other animation
5.I also are wondering if you can create multiple pages on one animate project, like multiple pages with html
I just moved on to edge animate from html, and html was also beirf learn for me and mostly i was doing design work, and i thought getting out of graphic river and moving on the theme forest.
I want also all the five things to work on one aimate project.
I'm working on a project with drag and drop and im using jqeuryui for that.but i want the user to be able to drag a photo to the page and that it apears on the page in the browser ( no fancy upload but just client data)and also a button to "upload it" but just also using data ( i dont want to use node.js or any database for this project.)
so just a dragged photo from desktop to browser and let that attend a div, and a input button to upload a photo and let that attend a div.all simple local.
Is there a way to make a menu in Edge Animate so that when you are on a certain page, that page is highlighted on the menu? I want to make it a server side include <!--#include virtual="/menu/included.html" -->
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy is the Arrange Menu blanked out, when I want to simply adjust the layer of some text I created in Edge as it was thrown to the bottom layer which isn't very handy when I am trying to add it in as new content on the TOP layer.
what is the point to having an Arrange menu if it doesn't even work?
Is there a setting that I can change to enable layer alterations or am I missing something here?
EDIT:As a bit of extra information, I read that you need to edit the layer of items using CSS which if that is true leaves me in the SH## due to the fact that the software I am using creates Inline CSS and how to modify that. I'm using WYSIWYG Website Builder 8.5.
The other thing that is frustrating would be that I have only 2 options... create all my content inside of WWB 8.5 or build it all inside of Edge.
Unfortunately, if I want to add new items to my website, I would have to overwrite the old HTML when I export out of WWB which will erase all the content from inside of Edge... so the only choice I really have is to add content via Edge to ensure I don't lose all of my hard work setting up animations etc in the site.
Problem is, for this to work out, all content needs to be added in Edge, not just the fancy stuff as it seems to be layer locked... Really dissapointed if there is nothing Edge can do to enable layer modification... that will make it far less valuable to people such as myself who do not have the timeframe to learn how to modify inline css or any css for that matter. (way I see it is that if you have to get in and work with code, then this type of "designer friendly" software hasn't really performed it's role properly)
Sure this will shock the majority of purist web builders and professionals who love to work with code day in day out notebook++ is their friend, but why can't things be done differently, does the code have to look all neat and tidy so long as it works?
EDIT 2:all elements in the file are built and added outside of EDGE except for the most recent text field. This text field was thrown somewhere in between several of the layers on the website and needs to be adjusted. Also, layers created inside of WWB need to be adjusted outside of the software if possible to avoid re-exporting and the consequential wiping of the Index.html page I am adding animations to.
I'm trying out the new Adobe Edgee CC and I have the trial version. I am unable to preview any of my animations. When I try to an IE window opens but nothing happens.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a list of menu items. I want them to change color when the user rolls over any of the six menu items. I want to write a function so it would be
var = menuTarget; (this is the item the user is currently mouseovering how do I define this?)
This has been a little annoying when trying to work on my edge animate projects. As I am using an old 4:3 ratio as my monitor - I don't have a lot of space on my desktop. Whenever I want to insert or edit code in Edge, the code menu pratically takes up my whole screen.
As you can see the font is still large even when it is on 'small' font size. Is there anywhere to change this or do I have to go digging manually into Edge's files?
I would like to create a drop down menu as example below. Would it be possible to create similar using photoshop cs5.1. URL....
View 6 Replies View RelatedToday I came across with a visualization library named as processing.js. As far as i learn, to use this library we have to create a tag like "<canvas id= "processing-canvas"> </canvas>".Now, i wonder that; how can i create this element in Adobe Edge? I'm sure its possible, but how to do a little demo with processing.js in Adobe Edge.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a project and I want to create tabs to contain different contents based on categories.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to create an interactive bar graph. The idea is that if a user clicks on a button, a bar graph will animate up onto the stage. I would like to code it so that if the user clicks on that same button again, the bar graph will animate down off the stage. So far all I've been able to find is that this is possible with mouse over and mouse out; but I'm wondering if it's possible to use clicks instead.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can create symbols on the stage using "sym.createChildSymbol" command. But how can I cretare textFields with script?
View 2 Replies View Relatednot only to Edge Animate but animation in general. Never used Flash either. I want to create a "spinning disk" that I can use on a web page, similar to what's on this company's website.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi can't get my scroll bar to appear and work, below is my coding for it.
yepnope({nope:[ 'jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css',
I'd like to reveal the outline of a speech bubble shape gradually, as in a write-on. Is it possible? I'm new to Edge.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have facing some problem in symbol. i;e In a symbol have created three rectangular boxes (rect-1, rect-2 & rect-3)& in main-time line there is three lavel (label 1, label 2 & label 3).
i want to create functionality that is, when i click rect-1 box, i should be play "label 1", when i click rect-2, it should play "label 2" & when i click rect-3 it shuld play "label 3".
Is it possible or not
Is it possible to create following: pop-up window is appeared on click tha button?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is something I recently wanted to do, but found that the clipping in Edge Animate only allows us to make a square or rectangle shape. I'm pretty disappointed by this because technically you can make a circular, or elliptical, clip shape using HTML5 and CSS3. Also, the same is true for masks. I would love to see this as a future update in Edge Animate because I can see a few more instances where I would want to use clipping, or masking, in this way.
I have a problem, i need create a function delay in the timeline with a trigger.
I want that my animation play every 3 seconds until the next sym.stop and then play again after 3 seconds.
Ej. I have 3 triggers in the timeline:
My idea is make a delay in all the triggers, like this:
delay.play (2000)
delay.play (2000)
delay.play (2000)
Cause I dont know how to elaborate a function in jquery
I found a really good tutorial here for how to create childsymbols on a mouse click and it works fine - as long as you are doing it on the main stage.
Here is the code:
var circle = sym.createChildSymbol("flower", "Rectangle");
var circleElement = circle.getSymbolElement();
var posX = (e.pageX- ($(circleElement).width()/2)) + "px";
var posY = (e.pageY- ($(circleElement).height()/2)) + "px";
sym.$(circleElement).css({"position":"absolute", "top":posY, "left":posX});
I wanted to create the ChildSymbols on to a premade symbol I have called 'Rectangle'. This works as long as my symbol 'Rectangle' is the same size as the Stage or at least placed at the top left of the screen.
However if I move the symbol 'Rectangle' away from the 0,0 coordinates then the Child symbols appear offset by the distance that 'Rectangle is from the zero point.
How to keep the Child symbols where I want them to be on the Rectangle? I tried calling the childSymbol like this:
var circle = sym.createChildSymbol("flower", "Stage");
And that keeps the symbols where they should be, but for some reason it has a performance lag and also means that you can't click within the bounds of a generated childSymbol.
how the draggable slider would be put together. How this could be accomplished? how this would work?
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