AutoCad :: LTSCALE - Model Space / Paper Space Differences
Jul 26, 2005
How to set up all LTSCALE/PSLTSCALE/CELTSCALE to suit my needs. I have a bunch of lines in my drawing that are set to the HIDDEN linetype. In model space, they show up as a continuous line. In paperspace, they show up dashed. Using LTSCALE, I tweaked the scale of the lines in PAPER space, but couldn't get those changes to effect model space.
How can I see the same scale in both MS and PS? Another problem is that some of my viewports display the hidden lines in one scale, and others in another scale, and others yet don't display as hidden at all.
I've picked up someon elses drawings and for some reason in paperspace the ltscale is set to 10. i've tried changing the global scale factor to 1 in the linetype manager but it keeps changing back to 10 when i tab through the different sheets.
i normally have both my ltscale and psltscale set to 1 in paper space (and celtscale=1) and have a custom macro asigned to a button for my modelspace views ie 1.100,20,10 etc and a macro/button setting the ltscale back to 1 when returning to paperspace and this worked nicely.
why the global scale factor keeps reverting back to 10?
Can I change the LTSCALE in paper space and in model space interchangeably?
I am struggling with the batt insulation big time. I get it looking perfect in paper space and then I go to model space and move a piece of batt insulation and then when I go back to paper space the LTSCALE of the batt insulation has changed. It's really weird. Batt insulation is killing me. I set the LTSCALE globally as well as each individual batt insulation but it keeps changing without me messign with the LTSCALE. Killing... Me...
In 2012 Autocad, cannot change from model space to paper space, or paper space to model space without locking up in several drawings.
In 2012 Autocad, cannot change from model space to paper space, or paper space to model space without locking up in several drawings.
I can log into another user's computer and open the file fine. But when i use my computer or a brand new computer fitting all Auto CAD specs, it locks up. When I plot I have to reset my settings to the PTE standards every time.
I now get CAD errors when CAD is not even open. Also VTPSUHM barely works. I generally have to restart my computer several times to get it to work.
I am a landscape architect trying to xref in civil backgrounds. I have noticed twice now from two different civil firms that some of the civil symbols (dynamic blocks) are having visibility issues in paper space. No the viewport layers are not turned off or frozen. No the views weren't placed using the sheet set manager. Yes the blocks are created on layer zero and yes the associated layer is not off or frozen. I don't believe these blocks are annotative blocks. They appear, as expected, perfectly clear in model space. I just toggel over to paper space and "poof" they've disappeared.
I'm trying to create a block that reads the x and y coordinates of a point from the end of a leader. Which is fine and easy enough if I use the block in the same space.. ie model space or paper space (layout tab).
However I wan't to be able to capture the coordinate from the model space, through the viewport, and pass it onto the block in Paper Space. Is this possible?
Or is it a case of having to use a more LISP based approach?
I have a solid hatch that is in model space (actually in an xref in model space). When I use multileaders (in paper space) and point into the hatched area, that part of the multileader becomes hidden. As if it was a layering or object arrangement issue.
is there a way to COPY objects from model space to paper space? CHSPACE only "cuts" geometry. I need the same geometry stacked in both model space and paper space.
I feel like I have a vague memory of once learning how to click on an object in a viewport and being able to click a button or use a command to switch that object to paper space (so that it appears the same size). I'm trying to avoid having to go through the steps to scale down the object once I get it in paper space).
I have several viewports rotated in paper space. When i set them to let say 1:100 scale go to paper space and then click into viewport it comes back to zoom extends of model space and i have to set it all up again and rotate it.
Second problem is that I've created wipeout in model space when i go to layout (paper space) ti looks just how i want it.
When I go to preview or plot it doesn't recognise any wipeouts?
I need to have users plot to DWF from paper space so they can retain their customized layers colors etc, on that specific paper space tab, as well as the view via viewport that they like most.
I then am mixing this with FDO data generated out of Model space. Unfortunately, when using the EXPORTLAYOUT command, the data is coped into Model space but seems to retain it's paper space coordinates. I had hoped this function would behave like CHSPACE and copy everything from paper to model space in the same scale.
ACAD 2010 text doesn't view the same in MSpace and PSpace! Model space is the acad default text: txt Paper Space it appears as it should as Romans. The drawings print as txt and not as it should Romans! When I change the text in model space to Romans, save the drawing, enter PSpace and the return to MSpace, it seems to 'reset' back to text!
This is specific to my workstation BTW, when I open the dwg file on a colleagues PC it opens Romans in both Model and Paper space.
I just started a new job and am struggling to set everything up the way my old company had AutoCad configured. My old company actually had people that were involved in writing the code for AutoCad on the payroll, so hopefully what I'm looking for isn't some intense computer programming issue.
In short, I am trying to be able to create a generic title block in model space, and reference that title block into paper space of a new drawing without having to create a new tab or anything first. A new paper space tab is automatically created upon attaching the new title block. My old company had its own custom menu bar with lots of custom commands, so the work flow would go something like this: "Old company name" in menu bar -> "Insert" -> "Title Blocks" -> "24x36 title block" (or whatever size we wanted to use obv). Once the desired title block size was selected, a new tab would be created in paper space with the title block as an xref, and a copy of the generic title block was saved to the main folder containing drawings of the project, and could be edited with the specific project info from there.
Is there a semi-easy way to do this, or is this a coding issue that a non-programmer such as myself might have some difficulty doing?
I am relatively new to A.C. 2010 and have a recurring issue with copy and paste. Currently all I am trying to do is copy text from paper space into model space and it wont let me.
I use x-ref's inserted in model space and label in paper space - always.
I would like to see a way of locking out model space while editing text in paper space. Unless you double click right on the text, you often end up in Model Space...I know - big deal right? It can become annoying or a big deal when a deadline is looming - when is one never? Also big fan of locking viewports.
I'm trying to import a drawing from a dwt file into a drawing as a new layout. This would be perfect if the model space objects associated with this dwt file would import as well.
CAD-Newbie working in paper space zoomed in close. I want to return to page extents but am zoomed in so close I can't click outside paper space to move view control toolbar to model space. is there a simple key command to perform this function?
In model space I set the units form my dwg (cm), draw a line (100units). Next i go to paper space, create a viewport. When the viewport scale is set to 1:1 the ploted line is 100mm in length (not 100cm). Why is this so? How should I correct this? Changing of units in model space does not effect the length of the line in paper space.
determine if Fields can be used in model space inside a block and show up in the paper space view as a correct number, (say for a detail number)? I have all of my detail blocks in model space and would like to place fields in the title blocks of the details so that they would show the paper space sheet number that they are being shown on in paper space. I have done some experimenting and cannot seem to get it to work. Or will this just not work?
1.- Details in model space are blocks, and I want to edit the block and insert a field into the detail callout.
2.- I want to have the model space detail read the paper space drawing number, and have the fields change to the proper sheet number.
3.- The result will be the that the model space block fields have changed to the proper detail sheet number shown on the paper space border.
I have a drawing that has several Paper Space tabs, and each tab has one or more viewports.
When I open the drawing, I can see all the information in Paper Space mode, and I can access the Model Space through the viewports, using the MS command. When I switch to Model Space, nothing is displayed.
Somehow the two tabs which were located at the bottom of the screen in my version of Autocad 2008 have dissapeared. I used them extensively and would like to get them back. I've tried the solutions provided in previous answers without success. The menus which are supposed to appear don't.
So I just recieved drawings from a contractor and they placed all the multileaders and details on the paper space but when I go to change the model space things are no longer pointing at the right spot.
What I am trying to do is copy them into model space but.... when I use crtl-c from paper, crtl-v to model it doesn't scale properly.
I have an issue with linetype scale. I have a certain part of my drawing with dash lines at a linetype scale of 1000. In Model space it is fine but when I change to Paper Space the lines become solid. I have tried increasing the linetype scale in Model space to compensate for the scale in Paper space but the lines are still solid.
I'm working on a plan that contains an xref with some elements that are not visible in paper space at my chosen scale. The xref is an annotated structural grid. It is entirely visible in model space, but in paper space only the grid is visible, annotations such as dimensions and section cut indicators are not. Strangely, or maybe not, when I change the scale in paper space, these elements appear.
Other presentation tabs exist, created by other people, that use a different scale and those presentations properly display. The annotations are blocks in the xref document, and I wonder if those blocks could somehow be set to only display at a certain scale. I don't see any such options in the block editor. Although, I have added to this document, I did not create it, nor the xref or the blocks.
I am having trouble scaling my drawing between model space and paper space. I have it drawn in model space at 1:1, and I set the viewport scale in paperspace to 1:15. However, it does not show up as 1:15. I have drawn a 50' line in model space. The viewport is 4" wide in paperspace, so you should be able to see the whole line in the viewport at a 1:15 scale, with some space on each side. However, it does not. I can only see a small fraction of the line.