AutoCAD LT :: Extracting Attribute Values In It?

Apr 20, 2013

I just want to extract the coordinates and number of survey locations that are represented by point blocks from a drawing.

My template is on the desktop and is named

BL:NAME C008000

I get the attribute extraction menu

select some points, verify that points have been selected

specify the above template

Specify the export file name

select ok

returns 0 records

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AutoCAD LT :: Extracting Attribute Values

Nov 21, 2012

I am using AutoCad LT 2013 and I am looking to extract at the Wire#, the To_Device and the From_Device.  I really dont care about the block name but if I have to have it fine with me.  I have tried to follow the extraction file within AutoCad LT but havent been able to figure it out.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Extracting Attribute Values And Assigning To Variables?

May 27, 2013

How can specific attribute values be extracted from a drawing and assigned to a variable in lisp. 

The existing title block is having attributes : Area, Sub area, Description, Drawing type. I want to extract this values and assign it to some variable which I have already listed and then it shall be assigned to some other attributes in the same drawing with Area1, Subarea1, Description1, Drawing type1... and so on.. Both the attributes shall be in the same drawing file.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Extracting Attribute Values From Multiple Dwg Files To An Excel File

May 11, 2013

how to extract the attribute value of a  particular block in multiple drawings to an excel file.

Eg... there are nearly 800 drawings where I need to list down the description and Drawing number which is mentioned in the title block name "Title". The Drawing Number and the description is done in same attribute block. extract the data into an excel file or txt file. All the drawings are saved in one location.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Attribute Blocks - Change 1st Tag Values Automatically According To 2nd Values

Jul 18, 2013

I have an attribute blocks and this att block has two tag values , is there a simple code for to change 1st tag values automaticly according to  2nd values ?

for example :

1st tag (50x50) - 2nd tag ( 100 )    ==> 50x50-100

if i enter 201 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 100x100

if i enter 501 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 150x510

I attached a jpg file for explain much better

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Transfer Attribute Block Values To Another Attribute Blocks

Jul 3, 2012

I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?

Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?

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AutoCad 2D :: Copying Attribute Values To Another Attribute?

Jun 15, 2013

I want to copy attribute values. I'm making a catalogue of all the reinforcements in my drawing so I need to name those reinforcements. So what I want is to make a string of text that I don't need to totally modify everytime. Something like this:

Amount of reinforcement bars - 5
Diameter of the reinforcement - 12
Division of reinforcing bars - 100
Reinforcement bars: 5-T12-k100

So the only attributes I'd edit would be the first three not the last one. So how can this be accomplished?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Extracting Raw Luminance Values?

Sep 12, 2012

Is it possible to extract raw luminance values from raw image files? Actually, a de-Bayerized flat matrix would be ideal but could (? maybe) deal with a 3 layer RGB matrix -- rather like the output from dcraw, only in PS. Preferably without gamma applied.
What I'd like to do: I'd like to use image stacking for exposure accumulation using "summation" but find that highlights blow out readily. Right now the workaround is to let the highlights go and bring them back with HDR from one (or more) of the original frames, but that's seriously clunky. I'd like a "scaled summation" where a luminance-dependent scaling factor is applied in the sum. I don't yet know how to get there from here in PS (there's a megaclunky way involving dcraw, Matlab, and a stacking program ...), but it seems to me that the first step is to get the luminance info.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Writing Attribute Values

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to write some code that adds values to attributes of a specified block. I'm able to search for the block, but I'm having trouble editing it.  

Dim acDoc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim acCurDb AsDatabase = acDoc.Database
Dim acTransMgr As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager= acCurDb.TransactionManager

Using acTrans1 AsTransaction= acTransMgr.StartTransaction
Dim acBlkTbl AsBlockTable = acTrans1.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)
If acBlkTbl.Has("blockname") Then 

*** here I need to get the object found in the active block table and edit it's attributes by attribute name ****
End If
End Using

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AutoCAD .NET :: Hyperlinks In Attribute Values And Tables

May 15, 2012

Using C# (VS2010, Acad2012) i've created a block, imported it, given it the required attibute tags and values, and then created an array out of this block for a total of "x" identical blocks for our purposes. As these blocks are desigend to represent real-world products, is there any way that one of my attribute values can reflect a hyperlink to the manufacturers datasheet?

So essentially

Product Info [URL] ....

Also, one of my functions lists all of the blocks in the current drawing and tallys them up and drops them into a table where it reports the block name, details, and quantity. I would also like this block name to be a hyperlink as this doable?
AttributeDefinition attDef15 = new AttributeDefinition(new Point3d(0d, 0d, 0d), productinfo,
"Web Link", "", db.Textstyle); attDef12.Invisible = true;

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Control / Restrict Available Attribute Values

Jul 31, 2009

I am utilizing the ESRI ArcGIS for AutoCAD plugin to edit feature attributes in AutoCAD Map 3D 2009.

Is there a way to control/restrict available attribute values, similar to a Domain in an ArcGIS Geodatabase?

The .dwg I'm editing was created from a personal Geodatabase by using the 'Export to CAD' tool in ArcGIS 9.3.1 basesd on SDSFIE schema, so maintaining consistent attribute values is imperative.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Default Attribute Values

Apr 27, 2012

Is there a way to have attributes automatically update?  For example, we often "save block as" from block editor to create a new block.  We usually have block name on defpoints layer so designers can see block name on screen. 

We now have to edit this text each time new block is created from existing block.  If default value of attribute could be the block name it would save time and errors.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Sum Of Attribute Values

Jul 29, 2005

Say I have a block that contains two attributes, one contains a value that is a number and another contains a value that is letters. I have many of these blocks placed in a drawing, could you create a lisp that would return the sum of the number value and return it to the command line along with the letter value. Something like this:

128 RP
389 TD1
2389 SP4

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Make Attribute Values Match?

Feb 4, 2011

Is it possible to have 4 attributes in a block match or equal each other?  I would like to make it so if I edit an attribute the other 3 attribute contents will update to be the same.

Civil 3D 2014
Win 7

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Match Attribute Values In Same Block

Jan 4, 2013

How to get attribute values to match in the same block? In my titleblock have the clients name displayed a couple of time in the block. I want to be able to change the clients name in one spot and have it change in the other. I have tried to use fields but the field will only display the default value of the attribute.

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AutoCad :: 2010 - Totaling Attribute Values Of Same Blocks?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a attributed block with multiple attributes (called pkey). In some cases these block attributes will the same values save for one, "Total".


pkey #1
Value AA, Value BB, Value CC, Total 20

pkey #2
Value AA, Value BB, Value CC, Total 30

Is there a way by which I can have AutoCad group these blocks together (when extracted into a table for example) and have the SUM of those "Totals" added together to produce a result such as:

Value AA, Value BB, Value CC, Total 50.

I've explored using fields, but I don't think they work in this case, unless I'm using them wrong.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Avoid Conflict Between Attribute Values

Feb 29, 2012

How to avoid the conflict between the “attribute” values?

I wanted to label the points (stored in txt file) using the lisp file ascpoint.lsp; This requires to build a block with 4 attribute values,But how to ensure that there is no conflict between the labels of the coordinates represented in the 4 attributes? They may overlap depending on the number of characters of the value of each attribute (coordinate).

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCad 2D :: Can Attribute Values Change Visibility States

Jun 2, 2011

The Question: Can Visibility States be changed by an Attribute Value instead of the drop down arrow?

The Situation: I am building an annotative block that the user wants to change appearance (ie different hatches inside a circle) based on an attribute value (1,2 or 3). The attribute is invisible and is one of +/-40 other attributes. I can change the appearance with visibility states and the little pull-down arrow on the block or the properties menu, but the user wants to be able to change it with attribute value. Is this even possible?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Sum Attribute Tag Values

Jul 17, 2013

Lisp or lisp code for sum attribute tag values and paste result to an another attribute block tag?

i attached jpg for explain to what i want to do .

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AutoCAD VB :: Extract Attribute Values From Block In External Reference?

Mar 23, 2013

is it possible to extract attribute values from an block in an External Reference using VBA ?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Adding Up Attribute Values

Oct 26, 2012

Any routine where I could keep picking on my exit arrow blocks (showing how many persons exiting from each space) one-by-one and the program would add up the numbers.  For example I pick on blocks with numbers of 2, 4 & 3 and I would get 9.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Retrieve (2) Attribute Values From One Block

Aug 24, 2011

Here's my situation:

I have a block named "WIDGET-A". And in that block are (4) attribute tags whose names are:


The user will be prompted to pick the value displayed at any of the "TAG##" attributes - they will select the attribute tag they want (we don't know which one it is, we just want to assign that value of the attribute tag they clicked on to a variable called "VAR2".

Now, what we also want AutoCAD to evaluate, behind the scenes, is the value of the attribute tag named "ID" which we know always exists in the block and then assign that value to a variable called "VAR1".

Is there a way for AutoCAD to do this all from only a single user pick on top of an attribute value, in a block whose name isn't always going to be 'WIDGET-A' either.... But the block, whatever it's name, will always have the attribute tag "ID" with a value in it, and we always want to capture the value of whatever attribute tag within the block that the user clicked on.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Attribute Values From Multiple Blocks With Same Name?

Mar 21, 2013

This time I'm wrestling with getting the values from multiple blocks. The blocks all have the same name but at least the attributes have names this time. Each block have exactly 4 attributes, like: att1 (a number representing chronological order), att2 (some data), att3 (the actual date as a string of when the data was added), att4 (some more data)

I need to get and store the attribute's values. I was hoping to make a selectionset of the blocks and step through using the chronological order number.

At this point I have tried several combinations of foreach and ssget "x" (list (cons 2 MYBLOCK)), but I keep getting errors that I'm sure are telling me that I'm not passing the correct information to the function for iterating through. I'm banging my head.

(SETQATTLST(LIST "R#" "INIT" "DATE" "DESC")REVBLK(ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 "REVISION")))CNT0CNT10 )
(vlax-ldata-put "dict" "RevTotal" (BLKCNT "REVISIONS")) (FOREACH BLK REVBLK (SETQ RBLK (ssname BLK CNT1)) (setq ATTVAL (mapcar '(lambda (x) (vla-get-TextString x)) (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object RBLK) 'GetAttributes))) (foreach ATT ATTLST (SETQ REV# (STRCAT "REVISION" (1+ CNT)))
(vlax-ldata-put "dict" REV# (member ATTVAL)) (setq CNT (1+ CNT)) ) (SETQ CNT1 (1+ CNT1)) ) (PRINC))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Remove All Block Attribute Values

Jun 17, 2013

I need a lisp sub-function that can empty all attributes of a specified dynamic block. The idea being that the specified block contains data that changes often and in order to repopulate the block's attributes with new data to replace the old I wish to just blank out the old data first, because it's possible that the new data may not utilize as many attributes and all of the old data must be removed. 

The thing is the block I'm after is on several layouts, CTABs and they all need to be wiped clean.

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AutoCAD LT :: Importing Drawing As Block With Field References To Attribute Values

Nov 25, 2013

We have generic drawings of assemblies we use in layout drawings as standard details.  We insert them as blocks with one or two dimensions that vary (geometry remains the same-these are just representative for information). 

We could define these as attribute values so that a user types a length that displays in the drawing but if we wish this to be part of a dimension we would have to explode the dimension to manually replace the mtext dim value with an attribute tag.

This seems unsubtle so I edited the dim value to be a field referencing the attribute value and made the tag invisible.  This worked in the drawing-the attached shows the attribute tag ALL THREAD and the resultant dimension text (as a field value) replaced with the default value LENGTH.

When the drawing is inserted as a block it duly prompts for a value for ALLTHREAD and any value can be typed-`1200, 3500, 1672 etc. but the dimension does not update from the default value LENGTH, even after using attsync, regenall.  So, if the drawing recognizes the attribute then how come it cant recognize the graphic via a field reference and update it? Is it buried too deep in the database hierarchy for LT to make sense of it maybe?

I dont want to explode the dim but it looks like I may have too if this cannot be made to work. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Inserting Attribute Values Into MySQL

Jan 18, 2012

How to connect to MySQL database and insert data from a set of blocks containing attributes?

Something like:

block 1:

- x coordinate;
- y coordinate;
- handle;

block 2:

- x coordinate;
- y coordinate;
- handle;

block 3:

- x coordinate;
- y coordinate;
- handle;

I've just got the second part (retrieving info from the blocks), but when it comes to connect to the DB I'm completely lost.

For the DB I'm using XAMP for Windows, thus using localhost, user ('user123'), pass ('pass123') and table ('table123'). The table has ID (PriKey and AutoInc), px, py and hdl fields.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Edit Attribute Block And Selects One Of Values And Erase

Jun 22, 2012

I have only one user with this problem. He tries to edit an attribute block and when he selects one of the values and erases it the default value doesn't erase. He then has to enter some text and erase that and it works.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Export / Import Attribute Values And Its Color

Apr 24, 2012

There is a BLOCKA that I'd like to extract its attributes - Tag and Color - into an external format (excel).  There after, I'd like to import it into the drawing and based on its color attribute value, change the value to that color in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Block Attribute Values In Paperspace Multiple Pages

Feb 25, 2013

I have several title blocks each in their own paperspace pages. Could have the attribute filled in, but more than likely only one page will have values filled in the attributes. I am looking for a VL method for finding which pages title block is filled in so that I can get those values and fill in the equivalent attributes for all of the other pages. Currently I am using a long set of :
(IF (setvar "ctab" "8.5x11") (IF(TBLSEARCH "BLOCK" "TB-8.5x11") (IF (/= "" (get-att "OWNER" "TB-8.5x11")) ; Function to read a named attribute(editblk "TB-8.5x11") ; Function to pull up the attdia(IF (setvar "ctab" "11x17") (IF (TBLSEARCH "BLOCK" "TB-11x17") (IF(/= "" (get-att "CUSTNMFIRST" "TB-11x17")) (progn ; At the last page ditch the [Code]..........

 The example is just a very simplified version of what I'm doing. I just need to find the information, if it exists in any page and store it for later. Afterward, I'll fill in each page's Title Block with the stored information.

I know that this can be done much more efficiently. As I am currently flipping through the pages too much action is occurring on the screen and it makes some people nervous. With VL I should be able to run the search quietly, but I would still like to (setvar "ctab" "to the page with the filled attribute value") after the LISP is finished storing values.

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Maya Animation :: Transfer Attribute Values

Feb 3, 2013

I am having an issue with transferring my attributes from one object to another, the transfer works, but not 100% - the animation is taking place in the wrong translation, but the translation match in the channel box. It didn't take the place of the old object, it went off beside it.

I attached a picture, the purple ball which is on the gray plane is the one I need to replace, the ball out off of the gray plane is the one I need to be in the purple balls place.

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InDesign :: Paragraph Attribute Values Disappeared From Toolbar?

Mar 1, 2014

I was working with a lot of text, using the trailing space attribute on the toolbar. This appeared (along with leading space and other attributes) whenever I selected a text object.
How can I get it to appear again?

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