AutoCAD Inventor :: Keyboard Shortcuts For ViewCube?
Dec 30, 2013
I'd like to know if there are shortcuts for select views of the ViewCube. For example if I press alt+t I see the top view. This for all views of the cube. I also use Blender3d, it has shortcuts for views and it's very useful.
I am having a problem with Inventor Factory Design 2013 holding my settings for style and my customized keyboard shortcuts. Â Every time I close inventor I have to go back and re-import my settings for idw's and parts. Â
Noticed Keyboard shortcuts not working from time to time in Inv 2011? It's ultimately frustrating because I cannot figure out what is causing the issue. Some times restarting Inventor or opening the keyboard shortcuts customize window works and sometimes it doesn't. Standard default shortcuts like "ctrl + p" for printing and custom shortcuts I have added both don't function in Inv. but work just fine in other programs.
Another undesired problem is after rebooting our machines the Project file is switched back to default.
Somehow I have turned off keyboard shortcuts and I am not sure how. I have not changed anything in options. the F keys still work as normal, but L for line. X for trim and so on wont work. How to get these back?
If I set a keyboard shortcut for a macro, it will function properly until the session is closed. When Inventor is opened again, the shortcut will not be on the keyboard customization list. So far, all shortcuts for regular Inventor functions, and even Add-Ins, will stay present when the session is closed and opened. I've been able to reproduce this on a co-worker's computer, so I don't believe it is an issue related to my system.
I have some macros that change different layers on/off and have them set to numbers keys 1-6. Works the first time but after a restart they dont work anymore. Even if i change them to any other un-used key they stop working after the restart. The remain listed in the customize screen but dont do anything until i edit and re-tick the box.
I have other macros on other keys and don't think i did anything different when i setup these ones.
Inventor forgets my keyboard shortcuts Every time I start Inventor I have to reload my xml file (tools -> customize -> import). Why? Â Inventor 2012 - 64 bit - build190 - Windows 7
Is there way to assign keyboard shortcut to do same thing as holding left mouse button over the ViewCube and movng mouse? E.g. hold Ctrl + MMB (middle mouse button) and move mouse. Â Reason i dont like Alt + MMB or Ctrl + R (orbit view mode) is because it rotates view around the center of viewport, cube does same when no object selected, when object selected cube rotates view around that object! Â Its such a time waste to look at cube then move mouse to it aim exactly at cube ... with keyboard modifier all needed to do it to hold button.
I installed AutoCAD LT 2013 on Friday. Everything was working fine until this morning. I found, as of this morning that my keyboard shortcuts don't work. eg 'l' to draw a line or 'e' to erase an object.
When I try to edit the acadlt.pgp file (Tools/customize/edit program parameters) I get the error message acadlt.pgp could not be found.
I read in another thread that after changed are made to that file the 'reinit' command should be run. on doing this i get the error message ' Dialogs are not available because DCL files are not loaded' .
I have Autocad Architecture 2012, and somehow after some manipulations with the interface the keyboard shortcuts ("L" for line, "M" for move, etc.) stopped working.
In the process of migrating from 2010 to 2013, all seemed okay at first. Now when I open 2013 i have no ribbon and my keyboard is no responding to shortcuts. For example in 2010 is used the keyboard i key to insert blocks.
If I do a command such as regen, or switch between tabs/modelspace, generally anything that seems to involve a screen update, then immediately following that if I try something like a Shift-Tab type of operation, there is no response from autocad until I move the mouse. Â This is consistent if hardware accelertion is turned on or off, so I can't go blaming the video drivers just yet.
ACad, MEP, 3DS Max Windows 7x64 X5482 @3.2Ghz 8Gb Ram Quadro FX1700
I can't change the keyboard shortcuts in max. If i change them and restart max, the changes a revert.The problem is, that max stores some config files into &#xPr;ogramFiles%, but a normal user (without admin rights) can't write to files there.
e.g.: DefaultUI.clrx and DefaultUI.kbdx are stored into: C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max 2013en-USUI
3dsmax.exe gets a "ACCESS DENIED" from the OS but this error would be silently ignored IMHO the error should be raised, so that the user knows about unsaved settings...
For this i have created:URL....
Everyone can reproduce this behaviour with process monitor from sysinternals. You will see this:
Is there anyway I can add my own keyboard shortcuts?
For example, I want to save an image as a jpg The only way I have found is to 'Export' (Is this the right way?)
The problem is that after getting the File menu (alt F), there's no way of getting to the 'Export' option by one key stroke (I suppose you can always press the down or up arrow - but that doesn't count - takes too long)
Is there anyway I can create my own keyboard shortcuts?
I would like to be able to use Keyboard shortcuts in Gimp. I see only a very few. Can I make shortcuts for things I use regularly? I need shortcuts especially for levels. save,deselect, hide selection outline, and some tools--
I have Photoshop CC through Creative cloud. My keyboard shortcuts stop working, then Photoshop really slows down, then crashes. I've been through Adobe support five times now, and it works for about 1/2 hour, then acts up again.Â
I'd like to assign keyboard shortcuts  Layer panel window  cmd-l : lock selected layer or group cmd-alt-l: unlock selected layer or group cmd-alt-c: copy layer style cmd-alt-v: paste layer style  Copy layer style is listed in the keyboard shortcuts dialog. For some reason it wants to raster shape layers so that's totally unusable.
Keyboard shortcuts will work for a little while, then suddenly stop. I can still select tools 'manually', clicking the icons, but pressing P for the paint brush tool or E for the eraser will have no effect. So far as I can tell this happens at random. It has also been fixing itself at random, after some undetermined amount of time not working, but then it just happens again.  'Use shift key for tool switch' is already unchecked in my preferences.  I'm on Photoshop CS6 Mac OS 10.7.3 I've got like 580 gigs of free disk space, and 8 GB of RAM...
I was madly working along, and suddenly, no keyboard shortcuts worked. I wrestled with this for quite some time. Then I realized that I had two layers selected, instead of one. When I selected only one layer, all my keyboard shortcuts returned and began to operate as normal. Â I'm just wondering whether this is a feature to protect the user from unwittingly altering more than one layer at a time, or whether it's a bug?
I have just started using my Photoshop CS6 (64-bit). Â I am trying to use Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- to zoom in and out respectively, but nothing happens. Â Is there something that I should be doing before starting to use the keyboard shortcuts? Â PS: my OS is Win7 Ultimate 64-bit
-Got Lion at work with Photoshop CS 5.1 Extended (12.1 x64 mac) -Got Lion at home with same Photoshop version. Â Saved my keyboard shortcuts (.kys file) from the computer at work.Put it in the same place at home, selected it it Photoshop...
Is there a table of actions that use the Shift key? The Keyboard Shortcuts show Shift + Click and Shift + Play but, for example, the Shift key can be used to stretch or shorten an audio track without losing the contents, just varying the playback speed. Are there any other uses for the Shift key?
This is my first post as I've been having a problem with my new Copy of CS2. I previously used PhotoShop 5 which had particular shortcuts which I have been using for years now but since purchasing CS2 I cannot use these shortcuts? I've explored the edit Shortcuts route but alas it doesn't let me change any of the shortcuts and some of them are not even listed. Code:
where I can download a list of shortcuts applicable to a German keyboard? Whilst I'm using an English language version of CS4 (in fact my OS (XP Pro) and all applications are also in English) I'm stuck with a German keyboard out of necessity.